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Adults use Trimetazidine as additional therapy to support the symptom relief of people who have stable angina pectoris whose condition isn't part of accurate true applicable adequately managed by, or who cannot tolerate, primary antianginal treatments.

Dosage / instructions on usage

Administration: Oral intake.

the endorsed volume a small amount in tablet form of trimetazidine 35 metric gram (weight measurement) twice a sole component full day, typically once among the morning and once encompassed alongside the evening with meals.

After three months, the degree of success among the intervention ought enduring presence reevaluated, and discontinuation considered if void of noticeable improvement.

Special Categories: people enduring kidney issues: adapted dedicated to those in possession of moderate renal impairment (creatinine clearance [30-60] ml/min), the guidance acts to secure one 35 tablet containing mill gm on top of the center constituted by morning during breakfast.

Seniors: Older adults might experience increased levels of trimetazidine in light of decreased kidney function related to aging. meant appropriate for such individuals possessing moderate renal impairment (creatinine clearance [30-60] ml/min), the advocated quantity remains one 35 tablet alongside micro g (abbreviation) (measurement) (pharmaceutical measurement) dose (unit) scale dosage during breakfast.

Dose adjustments could be approached with caution in elderly patients.

Children: The safety and efficacy of trimetazidine for folks beneath the century of 18 have not been confirmed. No data can be had.

Overdose Information

Information on trimetazidine overdose is limited. Symptomatic treatment could be advised.


Hypersensitivity along the path beyond the main component or whoever excipients mentioned enclosed during the Description.

Parkinson's disease, parkinsonian symptoms, tremors, restless leg syndrome, among others associating movement issues.

Severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance < 30 ml/min).

Important Precautions

put this to use remedy generally not advised during breastfeeding.

it doesn’t equate bound for a curative fix for angina attacks, nor is it equipped for initial resolution of unstable angina, myocardial infarction, in pre-hospital care, or during the initial days of hospitalization.

Should an angina attack occur, the coronary condition ought ongoing being reexamined and treatment adjusted (either medicinal or potentially revascularization).

Trimetazidine may induce or worsen parkinsonian symptoms (like tremor, stiffness, and slowness of movement), which might happen tested regularly, particularly inside the midst inside the elderly. If uncertainty arises, referral moving aiming for a neurologist is suggested for thorough assessment.

birth of movement disorders,parkinsonian symptoms, restless leg syndrome, tremors, or gait instability warrants immediate discontinuation of trimetazidine.

These events are infrequent and generally reversible upon stopping the doctor's care. Most individuals recover within four months after ceasing trimetazidine. Should these symptoms last beyond four months, a neurologist is expected enduring presence consulted.

Falls might happen owing to the fact that difficulty walking or hypotension, particularly in patients on antihypertensive medications.

Care need to keep going adopted when administering trimetazidine to patients expected to have increased drug exposure: those bearing moderate renal impairment (see Pharmacology: Pharmacokinetics in actions exact dosage & Administration), and elderly patients above 75 years old (see Dosage & Administration).

Impact on driving and machine operation: Though trimetazidine has no haemodynamic effects in clinical studies, post-marketing reports suggest sensation of imbalance together with drowsiness that might impair the knack for drive or operate machinery.

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

During Pregnancy: No data exists regarding trimetazidine use in pregnant women. Animal studies this isn't included to sustain existence done show direct or indirect harmful effects on reproductive toxicity. in the capacity of caution, that's it often advantageous to steer clear of trimetazidine during pregnancy.

Breastfeeding: what this thing is unclear if trimetazidine/metabolites are excreted in human breast milk. Potential risks to newborns/infants cannot be ruled out. Usage during breastfeeding is discouraged.

Impact on Fertility: Studies on reproductive toxicity have shown no effect on fertility in both female and male rats.

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(last modified 15th of October 2024 at 7:00am )